When I go to ballet class, I believe that it is important to be dressed appropriately. But not all girls are. This can be a distraction to you as a dancer, and sometimes the teacher because they might not be able to see your correct posture and technique clearly. At dance.about.com, I found this:
A simple leotard and a pair of tights is the best thing to wear to class. Leotards are available in several colors and designs, including sleeveless, short sleeved and long sleeved. Young dancers delight in wearing small skirts and tutus over their leotards, but most teachers discourage them in older classes.”
Is this what you usually wear to class? Do you believe that it is important to dress appropriately? Does your ballet teacher have a strict dress code on what you should wear?
I agree with you completely! You are always dressed so well in ballet(: A leotard is very important so that your teacher can see what your back and stomach looks like. Wearing just a shirt without a leotard can be distracting and you might start fussing with it and pulling it down a lot. When you are dancing, the last thing you want to be thinking about is your attire. There are a million other things to worry about and your clothes is not a very important one. Since I am in your ballet class, you already know that Kelly has a strict rule about always coming to class with a leotard, your hair up, and your ballet shoes. Although we don't really wear skirts anymore at our studio at our age haha(: